Abroad, Covid-19 News|27/05/20

BELGIUM: 1,506 Covid-19 declarations in mid-May

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: 1,506 Covid-19 declarations in mid-May

According to the situation as of May 12 published by Fedris, 1,506 Covid-19 occupational disease reports have been filed by prevention consultant/occupational physicians. Among these :

  • 82% concern women
  • 64% from the private sector
  • roughly even distribution among the different age groups from 24 to 59 years of age, e.g., 24-29 years: 214 reports, 39-44 years: 203
  • 47% are from Wallonia, 34% from Flanders and 17% from Brussels Capital City
  • 951 are from the activities of general hospitals, except geriatric and specialised hospitals
  • 643 of the registered nurses and nurses’ guards. In addition, 181 claims for compensation submitted by the victims themselves, whether or not following a statement by the occupational physician, were registered. 15 were rejected because the claimant did not fall within the legislative scope. Self-employed persons, including general practitioners and physiotherapists for example, are not eligible for compensation from Fedris.

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