
BELGIUM: A subsidy granted to 50 projects to combat job burn-out

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“Combating job burn-out is one of the great challenges of our time. By financing these projects [€8,000 for each project], we are banking on prevention. The aim is to give rise to new initiatives and to disseminate knowledge and good practices,” said Kris Peeters, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment.

The call for proposals received more than 200 proposals, out of which experts and social partners in the National Work Council selected 50, according to regulatory, geographic and employment criteria. Many of them concern the healthcare sector, but also large technology businesses, or even a whole sector. 

The proposed projects aim, for example, to develop (self-)assessment tools, or provide awareness raising and training to tackle stress or to detect it in a specific context. The selected projects will be started this month and will continue for one year before being evaluated in consultation with the experts and social partners. Good examples will be promoted, with the idea of being able to apply the selected projects on a larger scale.

In Belgium, there are more than 400,000 long-term patients, who often suffer from mental or psychosocial disorders, including job burn-out and other stress-related problems. Pains of the back and the nape of the neck, often stress-related, are also prevalent.

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