Abroad, Covid-19 News|21/04/20

BELGIUM: Adaptation of the criteria for recognition of Covid-19 as an occupational disease

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: Adaptation of the criteria for recognition of Covid-19 as an occupational disease

Fedris has clarified the occupational categories for which there is an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 contamination. This allows the criteria for recognition as an occupational disease to be adjusted.

Thus, in addition to the other professional categories, the following are explicitly mentioned:

  • staff in triage centres,
  • personnel performing examinations or taking clinical samples,
  • the lab assistants,
  • the staff of rest homes and nursing homes,
  • staff in residential facilities,
  • for sick and disabled people.

As regards proof of infection, in exceptional and serious cases, the Fedris doctor may approve the diagnosis on the basis of evidence other than a reliable laboratory test, such as an evocative clinical presentation and a compatible chest CT for example.

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