
BELGIUM: launch of the “Safety My Priority” campaign in the construction industry

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: launch of the “Safety My Priority” campaign in the construction industry

On 21 February 2019, the Construction Confederation launched its “Safety My Priority” awareness campaign. This must show all contractors in the sector the importance of safety to and on site. In particular, it must encourage them to sign a charter stating that they give absolute priority to safety.

In 2017, 10% of all work accidents occurred in construction. The Construction Confederation deplores the 56 accidents at work that result in daily incapacity for work and the fatal accident that still occurs every month. However, “in the Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland and Great Britain, construction workers are half as likely to be victims of a work accident”.

The Confederation wants to focus in the coming years on 3 priorities: companies with less than 10 employees, accidents caused by falling objects and accidents caused by unloaded movement.

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