
BELGIUM: Launching of an inspection campaign in the healthcare sector for the prevention of falls and slips

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: Launching of an inspection campaign in the healthcare sector for the prevention of falls and slips

hopitalIn the summer of 2014, the Labour Inspectorate will deploy the European campaign organized by the Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee (SLIC) on the prevention of falls and slips in healthcare organizations.

This sector employs a large number of workers. The purpose of the inspection campaign is to raise employers’ and workers’ awareness regarding the prevention of falls, slips and trips which, according to the Occupational Injuries Fund (FAT), were the cause of 17.6% of all occupational injuries in 2012.

Note that, in France, the Ministry of Labour and the main French stakeholders in workplace safety have also launched a major information campaign with the slogan “Work at a height, no room for error” on the prevention of falls from a height. This risk represents a major safety challenge with regard to human life and corporate performance.

The information activities are supported by the EU-OSHA’s Napo films on slipping and tripping: Napo in… “No laughing matter! Slips and trips”.

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