
BELGIUM: Tendinopathies top the list of occupational diseases in 2016

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: Tendinopathies top the list of occupational diseases in 2016

According to the 2016 statistical report on occupational diseases published by Fédris, initial claims for recognition remained stable, at 9,672 in 2016, versus 9,609 in 2015. The claims for recognition and cases reported primarily concern tendinopathies of the upper limbs (slightly more than 30%), followed by claims relating to the carpal tunnel, back complaints and respiratory conditions.

In 2016, the Occupational Diseases Fund (FMP: Fonds des maladies professionnelles) took 3,100 positive decisions, following initial claims; 1,145 cases were recognized for tendinitis and 810 for carpal tunnel conditions. 66% of all these victims received compensation for temporary disability; 9% of them suffered sequels resulting in a permanent disability.

As regards fatalities following an occupational disease, the claims of legal beneficiaries have continued to decrease since 2013: 1,107 claims in 2016 versus 1,431 in that year. The most common cases still concern silicosis and asbestos-related diseases (91%). In 2016, the FMP still recognized in 334 cases the link between a victim’s death and their occupational disease. Since 2013, asbestos has been the leading cause of death for the third time in four years.

Read the Report (in French)

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