
BELGIUM: The law on well-being at work celebrates its 25th anniversary

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: The law on well-being at work celebrates its 25th anniversary

The SPF Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the law of 4 August on well-being at work. This law, with its implementing decrees, forms the basis of the occupational health and safety regulations. It also marked a real turning point in occupational risk prevention. We have thus moved from a system requiring companies to put in place means that were fixed by legislation (RGPT) to a system requiring them to achieve objectives, namely to preserve the health and safety of all workers.

Among the important developments over this quarter century, the SPF Employment mentions in particular:

  • the integration of new areas, such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and psychosocial risks (PSR)
  • the reform of the prevention structures (prevention services, training of prevention advisors, etc.)
  • the adaptation to rapid changes in the world of work (New way of working, teleworking, ageing workers, etc.)

“In 2021, the observation is clear: companies that applied this regulation correctly were able to react much more quickly to the Covid-19 crisis and implement the necessary procedures and prevention measures.”

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of this law, the SPF Employment wished to highlight testimonies of actors who have followed this evolution and to underline the important work that prevention advisers and all actors of prevention carry out every day.

In addition, a series of videos to present the 2020 annual report has been put online.

Read more :
25 years of the law on well-being at work
Annual report 2020

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