

GREAT BRITAIN: at least 2 million people affected by Covid long

This is according to the REACT-2 study, led by Imperial College London and funded by the Department of Health and Social Care. Between September 2020 and February 2021, researchers surveyed more than 500,000 people in a random sample to find out if they had had Covid-19 (confirmed or suspected) and persistent symptoms.

Abroad, Covid-19 News


HUNGARY: Covid-19 and employee protection

What rules should an employer follow regarding the processing of data on the immunisation of employees against Covid-19? The Hungarian Data Protection Authority (NAIH) published a guide on the provisions that only apply to the current epidemiological situation.



GERMANY: OHS trends in 2019

The 2021 edition of Baua's 'Changing World of Work' brochure presents the occupational health and safety (OHS) trends of 2019. The information is taken from the full report and is presented in a clear and concise manner, mostly in graphical form.