Community news


ETUC position on teleworking and the right to disconnect

In response to the first phase of consultation of the European social partners launched by the Commission, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) adopted its response at the end of June on possible measures in the field of telework and workers' right to disconnect.

Community news


Human-robot interaction: what changes in the workplace?

A recent Eurofound report, based on surveys and case studies, adds to the debate on the automation of work. It highlights the new interactions between workers and robots and the resulting changes in organisation and working conditions.

Community news


BusinessEurope’s position on teleworking and the right to disconnect

On 25 June, BusinessEurope responded to the European Commission's consultation on the right to disconnect, pointing out that over-regulation could hamper the growth and benefits of teleworking and arguing for minimal EU intervention, leaving Member States, social partners and companies to develop their own policies.

Community news


ETUC calls for legislation on psychosocial risks

“A directive to end stress at work must be a priority for the next European Commission if it really wants to improve mental health in Europe”. This is the call from the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to mark European Mental Health Week.

Community news


PrevenOS&H preventive services: the professionals’ perspective

An article published by EU-OSHA presents the point of view of professionals in 11 European countries (Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Spain) on the role of preventive services (internal and external) in supporting compliance with OS&H legislation.

Community news


Council gives final green light to first global rules on AI

Today, 21 May 2024, the Council approved a groundbreaking regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) that follows a “risk-based” approach. This means that the greater the risk of harm to society, the stricter the rules. It is the first of its kind in the world.