
CEN-CENELEC: their ten-year strategy for an adapted standardisation system

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The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) have just published their 2030 standards strategy for “Building a safer, more sustainable and competitive Europe through European and international standardization” over the next ten years.

The world is changing faster than ever, raising new challenges but also offering new opportunities for growth and innovation. In this context, the 2030 strategy sets out five objectives that will guide the actions of CEN and CENELEC and their 44 members in 34 European countries:

  1. To ensure that the EU and EFTA recognise and use the strategic value of the European standardisation system
  2. Enable their customers and stakeholders to benefit from state-of-the-art digital solutions
  3. Increase the use and awareness of CEN – CENELEC deliverables
  4. Give preference to the CEN – CENELEC system for standardization in Europe
  5. Strengthen their leadership and ambition at international level.

Strategy 2030 (pdf)

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