Community news, Covid-19 News|12/02/21

Covid-19: EU updated guidance for a safe return to the workplace

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Covid-19: EU updated guidance for a safe return to the workplace

In the OSHwiki series, EU-OSHA has updated its guidelines on workplace adaptation and worker protection during the Covid-19 period. The aim is to help employers and workers to maintain safety and health in a work environment that has changed significantly as a result of the pandemic.

The guidelines are non-binding and provide guidance on the following:

  • Risk assessment and appropriate measures for: minimizing exposure to Covid-19; returning to work after a period of closure; coping with high levels of absence; and managing teleworkers.
  • Involving workers
  • Caring for workers who have been infected with the disease
  • Planning and learning for the future
  • Stay well informed.

The guidelines are available in 24 languages.

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