Community news|23/04/21

Create a campaign for “healthy workplaces”

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Create a campaign for “healthy workplaces”

EU-OSHA, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, has a number of useful tools and information to promote healthy workplaces. From using the ready-made resources to organising an event or producing a video, “it’s time to get inspired!”.

The European campaign toolkit has been redesigned and includes new information now available in 25 languages. The aim is to explain step by step “how to run a particularly effective awareness-raising campaign”. There is also advice on planning and branding, as well as the latest examples of innovative campaigns in Europe and elsewhere.

In addition, the Agency provides a wealth of useful information online, including publications, legislation, practical tools and guidance, case studies, Napo films and more.

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OSH: issues and prospects at the heart of a EUROGIP seminar in Brussels

At an internal seminar in Brussels in mid-January, the EUROGIP team discussed occupational health and safety (OHS) in Europe with Bozica Matic (European Parliament EMPL Committee) and Ignacio Doreste (ETUC). These discussions shed light on the legislative dynamics and future priorities for worker protection.