Community news|29/05/18

Dangerous substances: EU-OSHA launches an electronic tool to assess and manage risks

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Dangerous substances: EU-OSHA launches an electronic tool to assess and manage risks

Among the numerous resources of the 2018-2019 Healthy Workplaces campaign, EU-OSHA’s electronic tool on dangerous substances and chemical products aims to provide firms with the information and advice they need to assess and manage related dangers for safety and health. 

This interactive guide targets small and medium-sized enterprises and enterprises with no specific knowledge of the subject. It provides general information and examples of good practices, personalized and easy to understand, concerning risks, labelling, legislation, preventive measures and many other subjects. Based on a questionnaire, a report adapted to the situation of each individual firm can be published regarding the management of dangerous substances, which includes potential improvements.

The electronic tool is currently available in English; various national versions will follow during the year.

Look at the e-tool

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