
DENMARK: A tool for creating a good working environment

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > DENMARK: A tool for creating a good working environment

An assessment of the working environment is an annual legal requirement for all companies with employees. Various tools are available, including the online tool developed in 2019 by experts at the Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet): the APV (arbejdspladsvurdering).

The written assessment takes place in four stages:

  • Select the industry and the APV checklist from the 61 available.
  • Involve the employees: this is an obligation, but the company decides how to do it (e.g. via a questionnaire).
  • Evaluate the problems against the proposed checklist and decide whether or not to include them in the action plan.
  • Finalise the action plan, which must clearly indicate how and when the problems will be resolved and who will be responsible for implementing the actions.

The authority gives the case of Airmaster A/S in North Jutland, which develops ventilation systems, where the risk assessment carried out once or twice a year fits in perfectly with the company’s strategy to be one of the best workplaces in Denmark.

Risk assessment in EU countries is based on the 1989 Framework Directive and at the European level, the OiRA sectoral tools are particularly useful for very small enterprises in different sectors.

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