
DENMARK: Modification of the list of occupational diseases with regard to asthma

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > DENMARK: Modification of the list of occupational diseases with regard to asthma

As of 1 July 2021 and the entry into force of the implementing decrees, the list of occupational diseases (OD) will include asthma caused at work by acrylates, pesticides, chloramine, chloramine-T, quaternary ammonium salts, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and platinum salts.

This update is based on the recommendations of the Commission on Occupational Diseases, which relied on a background paper from the Working Environment Research Foundation. This document shows that there is a link between exposure to the substances mentioned and the development of asthma.

Source and Executive Orders of 28 May 2021 on the list of occupational diseases

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