
DENMARK: Success for innovative workplace safety kits

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > DENMARK: Success for innovative workplace safety kits

Since January 2011, the Danish workplace safety fund has provided firms selected by the social partners with risk prevention kits which explain, step by step, how to improve employees’ health, and in particular their mental health. The kits project was developed around two main objectives: to prevent burn-out and stress caused by poor working conditions, and to prevent occupational disintegration. The kits were distributed free of charge to the firms, which also received subsidies to take part in this programme.

In 2013, for example, €6.2 million was allocated to 756 firms. The top managers and employees were invited to follow the instructions in the kit for four to six months and think together about the strategies to be implemented for workplace safety. They received outside advice whenever necessary. At the end of this period, an evaluation was performed.
Around nine out of ten firms which took part in the programme would recommend it. The great majority of them asserted that marked improvements had been made concerning various aspects such as:

  • Prevention of risks due to carrying heavy loads;
  • Dialogue between managers and workers;
  • The procedures to be established for dangerous work;
  • Awareness raising on the subject of occupational safety and health.

The project is therefore a success for the Workplace safety fund and the government which were behind the creation and implementation of these kits.
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