
DENMARK: the benefits of physical training during working hours

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > DENMARK: the benefits of physical training during working hours

According to the National Centre for Work Environment Research, 3 x 10 minutes of exercise a week could reduce long-term sickness absence by 13%. As a result, three local authorities have taken it upon themselves to offer such training to home care workers during working hours.

This is one of a number of initiatives that have been launched, and local authority funding has been allocated to help prioritise training time. And the benefits have not been long in coming: less pain, stronger muscles and a better psychological working environment. In fact, the training helps to create joy and greater cohesion within the teams. “It is great to have this break from the daily routine where we can have fun together. It makes work easier,” says Mona Andersen.

The conditions for the success of such a training programme are clear support from management, if possible a joint activity between employees and management, a set time for the training and the support of someone to correct any mistakes.

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