Community news|24/03/22

Digital platforms: 4 OHS case studies

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Digital platforms: 4 OHS case studies

EU-OSHA has published four new case studies on occupational safety and health (OSH) risks and challenges for digital platform workers. Most of the risks are specific to the type of work performed. They range from heavy lifting or awkward postures to exposure to verbal abuse, bullying and harassment. Other risks, such as long working hours and job insecurity, are common to any type of work done via a digital platform.

The case studies describe what is being done to prevent and manage risks. They may include interviews with workers and operators of digital platforms and concern the activities of :

  • remote computer programming,
  • parcel delivery or courier services,
  • online content review,
  • manual work (e.g. plumbers and electricians).

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