Community news|19/08/20

Digitalisation and OSH

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Artificial intelligence and advanced robotics have become an integral part of working life and are rapidly transforming the world of work. What is their influence on occupational safety and health (OSH)? EU-OSHA provides several documents, now available in different languages, to answer this question:

  • Digitalisation and occupational safety and health – An EU-OSHA research programme to provide policy-makers, researchers and workplaces with reliable information on the potential impacts on OSH, so they can take timely and effective action to ensure workers are safe and healthy.
  • Discussion papers on big data, 3D printing, exoskeletons and artificial intelligence (available in several languages).
  • Foresight on new and emerging occupational safety and health risks associated with digitalisation by 2025 (available in 8 languages).

In addition, EU-OSHA provides a web page on ICT, digitisation and work.

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