Community news|26/11/24

Directive (EU) 2024/2831 on improving working conditions in platform work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Directive (EU) 2024/2831 on improving working conditions in platform work

In a rapidly changing world of work, the new Directive (EU) 2024/2831, published on 11 November 2024, aims to meet the growing need to protect workers on digital platforms.

The main changes introduced by this text include:

  1. The introduction of measures to clarify the professional status of platform workers, who are often incorrectly referred to as self-employed, and guarantee fair access to employment rights and social protection.
  2. Rules to increase transparency and allow human control over the decisions made by the algorithms that platforms use to manage tasks.
  3. Strengthening the protection of workers’ personal data, in line with the RGPD, by guaranteeing lawful and transparent processing.
  4. Workers must be clearly informed of their rights and obligations, with access to an effective dispute resolution system. The directive also aims to prevent precarious working conditions and promote equal treatment.

Download DIRECTIVE (EU) 2024/2831 of 23 October 2024
Download the EUROGIP Focus to understand the directive (in French for the moment)

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