
Does globalization create excessive pressure?

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From the start of 2015, it is planned that the enquiry procedures which prevail at ISO should also apply in the CEN.

In other words, the period available to European standardization organizations to submit a draft standard (prEN) for public enquiry would be reduced from 5 months to only 3 months (4 months exceptionally on request). Moreover, it would be possible – on certain conditions – to waive the vote on the final draft of the standard and instead of that publish a standard immediately after the draft phase and the public enquiry, as has been done at the international level for some time now.

Will these rules, dictated by the Vienna and Dresden agreements which aim to have standards produced preferably at the international level and also adopted at the European level, have an impact on the quality of European standards? It is only in a few years’ time that it will be possible to judge, according to Corrado Mattiuzzo of KAN.

Read the KANbrief article

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