
EN 1501 on refuse collection vehicles is currently undergoing revision

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > EN 1501 on refuse collection vehicles is currently undergoing revision

Camion poubelleThe EN 1501 collection of standards (Parts 1 to 3 and 5) relating to refuse collection vehicles is currently undergoing revision. The work, in which Eurogip is taking part, began several months ago. CEN/TC 183 WG2, in charge of this revision, recently set itself the objective of providing each of the parties with a document for CEN investigation by June 2016.

In parallel, the proposal made by DIN, which acts as technical secretariat for CEN/TC 183 WG2, to create a new international Technical Committee (TC) for waste management, recycling and road operation services, was favourably received and is expected to materialize.

There is therefore a clear will to promote the EN 1501 collection of standards internationally by rapidly proposing a revised version, which could thus serve as a basis for the work of the future ISO/TC. However, it will be necessary to first obtain a strong consensus at the European level to succeed in promoting the health and safety standards of the Machinery Directive. But despite the formal objection procedures initiated against EN 1501-1 : 2011 by Greece and France regarding footboards, the current revision apparently still does not answer certain concerns about safety and restraining systems for operators on said footboards.

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