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Encourage companies to prevent occupational risks: which devices in Europe? – Eurogip Discussions’ proceedings on March 2014

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Encourage companies to prevent occupational risks: which devices in Europe? – Eurogip Discussions’ proceedings on March 2014


EUROGIP publishes the proceedings of the conference organized on March 20, 2014 on the devices in Europe to encourage companies to prevent occupational hazards. 
Stakeholders from seven European countries presented various examples of incentives, including: 

  • Funds in Italy (INAIL), endowed with € 300 million in 2014 to finance projects of small and very small in order to improve health and safety at work; 


  • A bonus system in Germany proposed in the meat sector of the insurance against occupational ijuries institution (BGN), bonuses to 35 key measures to be implemented organization; 


  • Funding for an audit and an action plan to be implemented in Belgium (FAT) when a company shows a level higher than the average loss through the system of “increased risk” based on a lump sum contribution; 


  • A system of “smileys” green / orange / red depending on the performance of companies and their efforts to improve health and safety at work, the results being published on the website of the Labour Inspectorate in Denmark (DWEA); 


  • A “challenge of prevention”, organized by the CARSAT Languedoc-Roussillon and won by KSM Production Company in 2010, which aims to develop innovative and sustainable businesses in the region in terms of occupational risk prevention actions. 

In addition to these examples, the proceedings include the main papers presented.

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