Community news|10/11/16

Endocrine disruptors: promoting recognition and awareness of this occupational risk

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Endocrine disruptors: promoting recognition and awareness of this occupational risk

While the Member States are to meet on 18 November to discuss the amended proposal of the European Commission regarding the criteria for definition of endocrine disruptors, the ETUI is publishing a guide to improve knowledge of their impact on workers’ health.

The European Trade Union Institute’s publication aims to raise trade union leaders’ and policymakers’ awareness of this risk largely unknown to the public and to workers. It also aims to draw attention to the shortcomings of European legislation on matters of workplace safety. Accordingly, the guide will be central to the campaign organized by the European trade unions throughout 2016 and 2017 on the theme of “Cancer and work”.

Download the guide (in French)

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