Community news|30/08/17

“Ensuring the health and safety of temporary workers”

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > “Ensuring the health and safety of temporary workers”

On 20 and 21 September 2017, in the Luxembourg Conference Centre, the Senior Labour Inspectors’ Committee (SLIC) will launch a European campaign on the health and safety of temporary workers, which will take place until May 2019.

Most European labour inspectors will actively ensure compliance with European and national obligations in the area of workers’ health and safety. The inspection activities will be carried out both in temporary work agencies and user companies in all sectors: construction, agriculture, the food processing industry, the hotel industry, restaurants and catering, etc. Situations of posting of temporary workers are also targeted.

This campaign also includes information and awareness raising activities for the stakeholders: employers, user companies, employers’ and trade union organizations, occupational health services, workers, etc. The objective is to encourage universal involvement to protect the occupational safety and health of temporary workers.

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