Community news, News|28/07/21

European occupational disease statistics: the new Eurostat project

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > European occupational disease statistics: the new Eurostat project

The new pilot project EODS for European Occupational Diseases Statistics of the Statistical Office of the European Union, Eurostat, aims to gather national data in a single database and provide trends on the most recognized occupational diseases (ODs) at European level.

The European Commission has always requested such figures in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of its policies on occupational safety and health. Knowing the number, rate, frequency and trends of occupational diseases is considered essential for improving working conditions and prioritising prevention actions at Community level.

In the 2000s, Eurostat had launched a similar project, but was forced to discontinue its publications after six years of collection due to the non-comparability of the countries between them. In 2014, it proposed to experiment with a new, simpler and more reliable collection of PM statistics. In April 2021, it put a section dedicated to PM online. This is an opportunity for EUROGIP, which is also a member of the Task Force of this new project, to publish a Focus on it.

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