
FINLAND: 11 fatal accidents at work in 2020

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FINLAND: 11 fatal accidents at work in 2020

According to provisional data, eleven people lost their lives at work in Finland last year. This is the lowest number of deaths at work ever recorded in a calendar year.

Of the eleven victims, all were men, including ten employees and one entrepreneur. Six were in the construction sector. Four of the eleven victims were foreign nationals. Some may have been wrongly declared as posted workers. The figures on accidents at work that will be definitively published may therefore differ from the statistics known today, if some people turn out not to be covered by accident insurance or if some deaths are not yet reported to the Accident Insurance Centre (TVK, in Finnish). The average age of the victims was just over 50.

“The accidents were traditional injuries that could have been prevented by known occupational safety methods” explains occupational safety expert Kimmo Salojoki. Four accidents were caused by bypassing or failing to use safety devices.

In 2020, TVK has launched three new investigations into serious but non-fatal occupational injuries. Examination of such situations can provide valuable information to avoid similar situations in the future.

Find out more about fatal accidents at work in 2020 (pdf in Finnish)

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