
FRANCE: a reference website dedicated to the prevention of occupational risks in the home

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: a reference website dedicated to the prevention of occupational risks in the home

The new website www.prevention-domicile.fr is dedicated to personal services professionals, employees, private employers, and personal services organizations. It is the product of collaboration between the government department “Direction générale des entreprises“, the Health Insurance/Occupational Risks system, French national research and safety institute INRS and the IRCEM group, for better prevention of occupational risks.

The frequency of occupational injuries is especially high for the personal services sector, with an average of 92.7 OIs per 1,000 employees in 2015, versus 33.9 for all sectors combined. Risk prevention is therefore essential. But since most employers are private individuals, they do not feel concerned.

The new website, rich in resources, clear and user-friendly, thus proposes risk prevention tools developed specifically with realistic situation simulations to pre-empt the risks of occupational injuries or diseases, career paths personalized according to the profile, specifying the roles of each player in preventing risks and giving guidance concerning the appropriate tools, interactive quizzes to test their knowledge regarding occupational safety and health, and a training course provided to enhance skills.

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