
FRANCE: ministerial update on masks for non-sanitary use

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: ministerial update on masks for non-sanitary use

Category 1 and 2 masks are replaced by “general public masks with filtration greater than 90%”. The French Ministries of Health, Economy and Labour updated at the end of January 2021 the information note on masks for non-sanitary use published in March 2020. As a result, category 2 masks can no longer be used to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic as of 28 January 2021.

This follows the opinion of the High Council for Public Health of 18 January 2021. In addition, a new marking is made compulsory on the product, the labelling or its packaging. It replaces those previously used. Category 1 masks with the old marking may be placed on the market until 1 March 2021.

Finally, it is not possible to claim that “masks for the general public with filtration greater than 90%” are more effective than 50 washes.

To find out more (in French)

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