
FRANCE: The decree on the prevention passport is published

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: The decree on the prevention passport is published

The decree published in the Journal Officiel of 30 December 2022 finally determines the terms of implementation of the prevention passport, provided for by the Law on health at work of 2 August 2021.

On the proposal of the social partners, the latter announced the creation of such a passport, which will be accessible to all holders of an active Personal Training Account (CPF), workers (including temporary workers and trainees) and job seekers. The document lists training certificates, certificates and diplomas obtained specifically in the field of occupational health and safety risk prevention. It provides evidence of the acquisition of skills by the holder and helps employers to manage their obligations.

The employee will be able to grant – or refuse – full or partial access by his employer to the passport concerning him, according to procedures which are to be specified. The system will come into force gradually from April 2023.

Similar experiences exist in other countries, such as the Personal Safety Passport issued by the Federal Coordination Commission for Safety at Work (CCFST) for temporary workers in Switzerland or the Professional Construction Card (TPC) in Spain.

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