
FRANCE: The Fund for the Prevention of Occupational Deterioration is up and running

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: The Fund for the Prevention of Occupational Deterioration is up and running

From 18 March 2024, the FIPU (Fonds d’investissement dans la prévention de l’usure professionnelle, investment fund for the prevention of professional wear and tear) will be operational. With a budget of €200 million for 2024, it will help companies protect the health of workers exposed to three ergonomic risk factors: manual handling of loads, awkward postures and mechanical vibrations.

The aid will finance equipment, diagnostics, training, awareness-raising and workplace adaptation. It is available to companies covered by the general social security system, self-employed workers who have taken out voluntary individual insurance against occupational risks, people exposed to ergonomic risks who are involved in a project of professional transition (retraining) and prevention organisations in the professional sectors.

Company applications are submitted online and processed by Assurance Maladie – Risques professionnels through its network of regional funds and partners.

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