
FRANCE: vocational high school students filming prevention

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: vocational high school students filming prevention

“From school to work, it’s up to you to film”: INRS‘s annual video competition, organized in partnership with the MSA (Agricultural social security), awarded five projects on June 2, out of the forty received.

The competition is aimed at students in vocational high schools and apprentice training centres (CFA). It aims to make them aware of the risks to which they are exposed during their first steps in the occupational world.

The film “Partir à 4 c’est bien, revenir à 4 c’est mieux”, directed by students from the CFA of Bellegarde (Orléans/Tours Academy) received the 1st prize. It deals with the risks for foresters and the importance of preparing work sites. The other award-winning videos deal with: MSD prevention (hairdressing, ergonomics), employees’ working conditions (a different look with Santa Claus!), and a safety challenge for vocational training students.

See the videos 2020

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