
FRANCE: Young people leaving vocational training courses are poorly trained in workplace risks

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > FRANCE: Young people leaving vocational training courses are poorly trained in workplace risks

Nearly nine out of ten young people (87%) graduating from CAP and vocational baccalaureate courses are exposed to at least one occupational risk, and nearly six out of ten (58%) to three or more risks in the workplace, three years after leaving training. These are the findings of a Dares study of the 2017 generation.

Repetitive tasks concerned 64% of them, followed by carrying heavy loads (59%), contact with dangerous products (36%) and exposure to fumes and dust (33%). Despite high levels of exposure, the study shows that young people receive insufficient training in occupational risk prevention, both during their studies and when they start work. For example, 28% of vocational school leavers had no information on physical and chemical risks during their studies, 42% said they had no health and safety training when they took up their jobs, and 36% had no personal protective equipment. The study reveals that young people receive more training in prevention in the event of multiple exposure to occupational risks.

The 2022-2025 plan to prevent serious and fatal accidents at work makes protecting young people and new recruits its top priority.

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