Abroad, Covid-19 News|22/04/20

GERMANY: Exceptional reduction in contributions for construction

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: Exceptional reduction in contributions for construction

The social accident insurance for construction (BG BAU) has decided to lower the contribution rates for occupational injuries of its member companies. Indeed, even if the companies in the sector continue to operate despite the health crisis, they have to deal with order cancellations, unpaid claims etc. The existence of small companies in particular may be threatened.

For example, the membership fees for 2019 will decrease by 3.66% in risk class 1 (amounting to 0.3950 per 100 euros of remuneration) compared to 2018. Similarly, advances due for 2020 are down 2.53% compared to the contribution for 2019.

In addition, the advance payment, which is generally due in May, will be divided equally between the due dates of July 15 / September 15 and November 16, 2020, taking into account the payments already made in January and March. BG BAU also points out that a deferral is still possible and proposes further measures if necessary.

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