
GERMANY: The “kommmitmensch” risk prevention campaign gets under way

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: The “kommmitmensch” risk prevention campaign gets under way

The kickoff for the new injury insurance campaign called “kommmitmensch” took place on 18 October 2017 at the A+A Fair in Düsseldorf. The ambitious objective is to bring as many people as possible to commit themselves to a new safety culture in businesses, organizations and educational establishments.

“Health and safety represent values for every person, every organization and society as a whole. They must be taken into account in every activity. Preventive action is economically profitable and valuable”: this is the credo of the campaign, which is set to last several years.

The campaign focuses on people’s occupational and social environment and wants to encourage everyone to reflect. What can they do for their health and safety? What is a good safety culture in the company, at school and in everyday life? We need a new safety culture to come permanently closer to Vision Zero and find answers to the challenges of the “working world 4.0”. A change which cannot take place overnight, but which begins on 18 October.

[Translator’s note: The campaign title is a play on words, the idea being to have a maximum of people become involved in this campaign. It could be freely translated as “Join us” or “Come with us”]

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