
GERMANY: The social partners adopt the National OH&S Strategy as a basis for combating PSR

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: The social partners adopt the National OH&S Strategy as a basis for combating PSR

stress1At a conference on 19 March 2014, in which the Minister of Labour also took part, the social partners gave a reminder of the importance of the Joint Strategy for Occupational Health and Safety 2013-2018 (Gemeinsame Deutsche Arbeitsschutzstrategie – GDA) in combating occupational risks, especially psychosocial risks (PSR).

Those taking part in the conference emphasized the need to include PSR in risk assessment. They regretted that very often stress and psychological strain in general are not taken into account by enterprises in their approach to risk prevention.

Under the aegis of the GDA, the competent occupational health and safety authorities and the accident insurance organization (DGUV) agreed to step up their efforts to better combat stress. An information campaign for employers and senior managers is already planned in 2014.

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