
GERMANY: the social partners in the building sector sign an agreement to prevent skin cancer

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: the social partners in the building sector sign an agreement to prevent skin cancer

The social partners in the building industry have signed an agreement to improve employees’ protection from the sun when working outdoors and to reduce the number of work-related skin cancers. 

White skin cancer can be recognized as an occupational disease since early 2015. The numbers have been exploding ever since. Between 2016 and 2017, the number of recognitions increased by 165 to reach 3,887 recognized cases. In 2017, it was the third most recognized occupational disease. 

Among the series of measures provided for in this agreement, the main one is that companies offer once a year to employees working mainly outside the company a visit to a doctor (company, workplace, general practitioner or dermatologist) in order to promote early detection of cancer cases. This examination, which remains voluntary for employees, may take place during working hours, the costs being borne by the employer.

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