
GREECE: emergency measures to deal with heat stress among private sector workers

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GREECE: emergency measures to deal with heat stress among private sector workers

Following the publication of a weather service warning of high temperatures forecast for 12 and 13 June 2024, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security issued a circular to employers on 11 June on “Emergency measures to combat heat stress among workers in the private sector”.

The text provides for the compulsory suspension of outdoor work between 12 noon and 5 pm on these two days in certain geographical areas when the temperature is 40°C or higher (construction, distribution of products and objects, etc.) or 38°C on shipbuilding sites. Only the delivery of parcels or meals by air-conditioned vehicles is permitted. The suspension of work does not apply to economic activities involving important and socially critical infrastructure in the health, transport and public services sectors. However, the employers concerned must apply the working time arrangements set out in an earlier circular of 3 June. If these obligations are not met, the Labour Inspectorate will impose a fine of €2,000 per employee.

The circular also provides for teleworking where possible.

To find out more

(Source IR Notes 233, www.irshare.eu)

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