Community news|27/01/21

Hairdressing: European social partners cooperate to improve OSH

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Hairdressing: European social partners cooperate to improve OSH

In a joint statement (pdf) dated December 2020, Coiffure EU and UNI Europa from the hairdressing sector welcome their cooperation with the European Commission and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) to implement the European framework agreement on health and safety at work (OSH) signed in 2016.

They confirm that the following actions have been undertaken in the sector :

  • Improving the effective application of the EU Cosmetics Regulation and raising awareness to ensure the safety of cosmetics used ;
  • Improving OSH by possibly revising the guidelines for the 2016/425 directive on personal protective equipment;
  • Developing sectoral guidance to support the practical application of the framework agreement for workers and employers;
  • considering the APS in the activities developed by EU-OSHA;
  • cooperating with the Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC).

In addition, the social partners launched a call for tender (pdf) to subcontract an external expert to carry out a systematic literature review on hazardous cosmetic substances. The aim is to produce two medical reference documents identifying and prioritising these substances and to draft a methodological note highlighting, among other things, the difference in exposure between a consumer and a professional hairdresser.

Joint statement by the social partners in the hairdressing sector

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