Community news|30/11/22

Healthy Workplaces Campaign: 2022 edition on MSDs ends, next one will focus on OHS and digital

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Healthy Workplaces Campaign: 2022 edition on MSDs ends, next one will focus on OHS and digital

European experts and decision-makers gathered in Bilbao on 14-15 November to close the 2020-2022 campaign on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Organised by EU-OSHA, the campaigns have the overall message: “Healthy workplaces. Good for you. An asset for the company”. The 2023-2025 edition will be dedicated to occupational safety and health (OSH) in the digital age.

Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, and the Spanish and Basque Ministers of Labour introduced the closing summit, during which the results of the SLIC (Senior Labour Inspectors Committee) MSD campaign organised under the French EU Presidency, the links between MSDs and psychosocial risks, and simple solutions for preventing/working with chronic MSDs were presented.

The 2023-2025 campaign will focus on five priority areas: work on digital platforms, advanced robotics and artificial intelligence, remote work, intelligent digital systems, managing employees with artificial intelligence.

EU-OSHA also took the opportunity of the Bilbao Summit to present its 2023-2025 work programme to the national focal points. This is structured around the following strategic objectives:

  • Anticipating change – providing credible and quality data on new and emerging risks.
  • Facts and figures – to provide a picture of current OSH risks.
  • Provide tools for OSH management, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Awareness raising and communication – campaign and media
  • Knowledge networking – smaller approaches to knowledge exchange
  • Networking – International, European, regional, national, sectoral, tripartite.

EU-OSHA’s “new” tasks include addressing the consequences of the pandemic and preparing for future health emergencies; addressing cyber security; supporting the Commission and other actors in policy initiatives.

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