Community news|11/10/16

Helping machinery manufacturers write good-quality instruction manuals concerning noise

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Helping machinery manufacturers write good-quality instruction manuals concerning noise

Only one out of five machines is delivered with a satisfactory manual regarding noise risk. This is the alarming result of the Nomad survey (Noise Machinery Directive). To correct the situation, the Member States have decided to produce a document to help machinery manufacturers meet their legal obligations under the machinery directive regarding the declaration of noise emission in instruction manuals intended for buyers and users.

The Guide for machinery manufacturers for writing good-quality instruction manuals concerning noise” was prepared by a working group (the NOMAD Task Force) set up in the body for administrative cooperation between Member States for monitoring of the 2006/42/EC directive – MD ADCO. The manual, available in French, will very soon be also available in a multilingual version (6 languages). Of course, this guide does not replace the requirements of the Directive.

Download the guide (in French)

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