Community news|03/09/21

International Prevention Media Festival: the 2021 nominees are…

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > International Prevention Media Festival: the 2021 nominees are…

The International Prevention Media Festival is an integral part of the XXIInd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, which will be held online from 20 to 23 September 2021. It aims to bring to a wider audience how the media helps to spread the message of occupational safety and health in different countries and cultures. The awards ceremony will take place on 22 September.

A total of 289 submissions from 40 countries resulted in a shortlist of 50 media entries drawn up by an international jury. The 18 nominees were divided into 6 groups:

  1. “Fatal Attraction”: films use emotions and tragic events to raise awareness and prevent fatal workplace accidents from happening again
  2. “Music is the key”: music videos
  3. “Serious entertainment”: multimedia products that are not only funny and entertaining but also convey a very important message
  4. Short films
  5. Tell me a story
  6. “Walk a mile in their shoes”: multimedia products with interactive features.

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