
ISO 45001 standard: a further step forward

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ISO/PC 283/WG 1 met once again from 30 October to 4 November at Klaipeda in Lithuania to examine follow-up work on the international standard relating to Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

51 experts from 22 national standards organizations and four liaison organizations took part in this meeting. They were able to reach an agreement on the comments concerning Articles 4 to 10 of the draft (except for a few paragraphs). But, for want of time, the introduction, the scope of application (Article 1), some definitions (Article 3) and Annex A (1,000 comments out of 3,000 concern the Annex) were unable to be discussed. A third meeting was therefore scheduled from 3 to 6 February 2017 in Vienna to (try to) finalize analysis of the comments on DIS 1 (first public enquiry).

This third meeting implies a four months’ delay relative to the schedule. The standard could be published at best in October or November 2017 if the formal FDIS vote were omitted. Although it is possible, this omission is unlikely. If the formal FDIS vote is maintained, publication would take place in March 2018 at the earliest.

ISO/PC 283 Press release

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