
ITALY: occupational safety as the focus of a campaign on the Rai

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > ITALY: occupational safety as the focus of a campaign on the Rai

From 4 to 10 November, the No. 3 news channel of the Italian public television operator Rai broadcast in prime time an INAIL campaign on occupational health. Through the first-hand accounts of people directly concerned, the Institute wanted to emphasize the “unending massacre” of fatalities at work.

According to the INAIL’s official statistics, there were 700 fatal occupational injuries in 2018, 4.5% more than the previous year.

Apart from the human aspect, one of the messages that the campaign aims to convey is that safety should not be considered as a cost, but as an investment which yields a return in terms of increased productivity and job satisfaction, for both the workers and employers. Training is one of the essential drivers along these lines.

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