
ITALY: update on Covid-19-related work injury reports

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > ITALY: update on Covid-19-related work injury reports

The 16,779 work-related Covid-19 infections reported as occupational injuries in January 2022 is the highest figure recorded since 2020.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, INAIL has received 211,390 reports of occupational injuries due to Covid-19. 2020, with 148,565 cases, accounts for 70.3% of all reported work-related infections. The number of deaths as of 31 January 2022 is 823.

The territorial analysis of the declarations shows the following distribution: 43,% in the North-West (including Lombardy 25,6%), 23,5% in the North-East, 15,5% in the Centre, 12,9% in the South and 5,1% in the Islands (Sicily 3,6%). The provinces with the highest number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic are Milan (10.2%), Turin (6.9%), Rome (5.5%), Naples (4.0%), Brescia (2.6%), Genoa (2.5%), Varese and Verona (both 2.4%), Bologna (2.2%), Florence and Monza Brianza (both 2.0%).

The majority of occupational infections occur in women (68.3% of cases). The average age of those infected since the beginning of the pandemic is 46 years for both sexes, but in January 2022 alone it has fallen to 44.5 years.

The health and social assistance sectors, where 63.9% of coded declarations are concentrated, have shown, compared to 2020 and in absolute terms, a constant decrease in the number of Covid-19 accidents in the first half of 2021, recording its minimum level in June with 61 cases (there were more than 400 in June 2020).

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