
JAPAN: OSH and the incidence rate, 2016

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Risk assessment, promotion of training in occupational safety and health (OSH), expansion of the Zero-Accident campaign, promotion of physical and mental health programmes, support for reconstruction following the earthquake, etc. In its 2017 annual report, the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association (JISHA) describes its various activities and presents some data concerning the occupational incidence rate in 2016.

Although the number of occupational injuries has regularly decreased over the long term and the number of work-related fatalities has posted the lowest level of these last two years, 928 people lost their life at work in 2016. That represents a 4.5% decline compared with the previous year. The total number of accidents resulting in four or more days’ sick leave was 117,910, up 1.4% from the previous year (116,311).

According to the Association’s president, Nobuyuki Yamaki, several factors should be taken into consideration. For example, “the fundamental safety management approach was not completely suitable for workers due to the lack of safety personnel in service-sector companies”.

In light of these circumstances, the Association focuses many of its measures on SMEs, which are the foundation of the Japanese economy and post high occupational injury rates. These measures include, in particular, free advice on OSH issues.

2017 Annual report

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