
The SESEC project, for a better mutual understanding of the Chinese and European standardization systems, has been extended for three years

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > The SESEC project, for a better mutual understanding of the Chinese and European standardization systems, has been extended for three years

The Seconded European Standardization Expert in China (SESEC) project aims to promote, through better mutual understanding, cooperation between the European standardization organizations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI) and the Chinese standardization organization (Standardization Administration of China – SAC). The aim is to encourage the adoption of European and international standards in China. The ultimate aim is to lower the technical barriers to trade between the European Union and China, and at the global level.

The project, started in 2006, was recently extended for a further three-year period. On this occasion, the European standardization organizations, with the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, launched the website In addition to news regarding the project, visitors will, in particular, have access to a very complete description of the Chinese standardization system.

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