Community news|26/03/14

Limits of occupational exposure to chemical agents: The European Commission changes the functioning of the Scientific Committee

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Limits of occupational exposure to chemical agents: The European Commission changes the functioning of the Scientific Committee

This committee, which has existed since 1995 (Decision 95/320/EC), assists the Commission in analysing the most recent scientific data in order to assess the effects of chemical agents on workers’ health. In particular, it issues recommendations and opinions which are used to set exposure limits for the protection of workers against chemical risks. 

The new Decision (2014/113/EU):

  • establishes a new procedure for the selection of members following a call for expression of interest in order to ensure compliance with the principles of equal opportunities and transparency for highly qualified and specialized scientific experts;
  • emphasizes the importance of the ethical principles of excellence, independence and impartiality as foundations of the committee’s operation;
  • provides for the granting of special compensation for the members.

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