Community news|28/02/22

MEPs give their opinion on the strategic framework for OSH in the EU

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > MEPs give their opinion on the strategic framework for OSH in the EU

The European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee adopted on 1 February its report on the new EU Strategic Framework for Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027 by a large majority (43 votes in favour, 3 against and 8 abstentions).

“To create safe and healthy workplaces fit for the 21st century, ambitious action is needed, also taking into account the lessons learned from the Covid-19 crisis”. In particular, MEPs call for

  • a European directive on psychosocial risks and well-being at work to combat burnout and stress;
  • a targeted revision of the directive on biological agents to adapt it to pandemic situations
  • the right to disconnect for all workers in the EU.

They call on the European Commission to come forward with a text setting out minimum requirements for telework in the EU while reiterating their call for a directive on the right to disconnect.

The Employment and Social Affairs Committee’s report will be put to a plenary vote in March.

To find out more
Focus on the European Commission’s Strategic Framework 2021-2027

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