Community news|12/02/21

Minimum wage, inequality: MEPs call for fighting in-work poverty

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Minimum wage, inequality: MEPs call for fighting in-work poverty

In a Resolution they adopted on 10 February 2021, MEPs call for a minimum wage, equal working conditions and work-life balance. The aim is to combat inequality and in-work poverty in the EU.

European directive on minimum wage
MEPs welcome the Commission’s proposal for an EU directive on adequate minimum wages, describing it as an important step to ensure that everyone can earn a living from their work and participate in society. The directive should ensure that statutory minimum wages are, where applicable, always set above the poverty threshold, they stress.They also make clear that employers should not deduct the costs for carrying out work, such as accommodation, the requisite clothing, tools, personal protection and other equipment, from minimum wages.

Equal labour conditions for platform workers
The legislative framework on minimum working conditions must be enforced for all workers as another important element of the fight against in-work poverty, MEPs underline. This includes atypical or non-standard workers in the digital economy who often work in precarious conditions. These workers must also be covered by existing labour laws and social security provisions as well as being able to engage in collective bargaining, they add.

Work-life balance
Transposing and implementing the Work-Life Balance Directive is key to fighting poverty and inequality, MEPs say. Given that women are more at risk of poverty and social exclusion than men, tackling the gender pay gap and guaranteeing access to affordable and quality childcare are important steps in this respect.


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